Mar 3, 2009

waiting to live

i'm totally blogging at work but i don't really care haha. i just finished the book "requiem for a dream" and it's constantly haunting me. it's a book about addiction in its many forms. not just drugs but addiction to dreams, self-deception and love. it tells about the downward spiral of the 4 main characters and i tell you, it is heartwrenching. physically heartwrenching. it's so hard to read but equally hard to put it down. joo and i are gonna watch the movie on thurs when we take leave haha. so yepp. one thing i've taken from this book is that we shouldn't wait to live, meanwhile allowing ourselves to be empty and feed off instant pleasures. and that we have much good all around us, it's all up to us whether we see it or not. no one is truly poor. if you think you are, you'll just be a hungry soul. that's what i was for a long time. but it's going to be different from now on. thank you God.

Proverbs 27:7 “A satisfied soul loathes the honeycomb, but to a hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet.”

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