Mar 17, 2009

the sweetness of freedom

i finally got the guts to quit my job. haha. byebye jtc. it was an experience la. nice colleagues and amazing lunch times with joo qing and angie. but ohwell. gotta get rid of the old to make room for the new! and God has been good to us cos the day we quit, we got another job offer thanks to carolyn! thanks dear. so from monday onwards, joo and i are still colleagues at mediacorp's singapore media academy haha. helping out with video production courses at northlight!

mummy's 60th was last sunday but my dad and bro went to malacca so we had the surprise party on friday instead. mummy didn't suspect a thing! we called up our entire family and treated them to buffet at holiday inn. just our luck too! there was this really amazing band playing and we got to dian ge!

nice nice watch from dad bro and i!



the four of us (:

daddy even sang for mummy hahaha. romantic. kinda. haha.

celebrated ting's bday at ice^3! it was our vintage/retro day! skippy brought her really cool card game, family business!

ordered a specialised sundae for ting with a really really long message!


birthday girl!


ice cream!

our last day at JTC! me at my work desk!

joo at her work desk. which is just beside mine actually haha.

florence and i!

fang chyi and i!

yuet meng and i!

ellen and i!

joo and i!

us 4 (:

and then... PPG march outing at bugis! went to hip diners USA and had a really funny waiter, sunny and a cool named waiter, lovell. hahaha.

we actually had to ask someone in the mrt to help us take a pic cos we forgot to take it at the hip diner place haha.

because everything's just a battle isn't it
a struggle between what you want and what society calls for
who you want to be and what you really are inside
a fight between holding on and giving up
giving in and letting go

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