decided to post some family related pics. i've never felt so domestic in my life till this holiday. i've been cooking, decorating, grocery shopping and spending loads of time with my family.

oh yea. and i've been trying to walk silver. to no avail.

this is a super skinny, noisy and funny chihuahua near my place who hates silver haha.

finally got a wii and it's the best buy of the year! it even got my parents to spend some quality time together. the way they play bowling is absolutely hilarious.

mummy's really pro!

watching little nonya made mummy and i crave peranakan food so daddy brought us to keppel club's PeraMakan. hahaha.

took a joy ride to mount faber after that. the decorations were really pretty and they even had fake snow!

dad treated us to journey to the center of the earth 3D at vivo. 3D gives me the creeps ):

chose to go for my bro's bday dinner instead of choir farewell though i dropped by for a little bit. went to safra for buffet to celebrate gaston's 22nd!

cousin joey and edward imported a siberian cat from australia and named it aussie. he's really cute!

visited poor sick mikael ):

silver who always tries to sneak in. she finally barked!

watched cinderella at esplanade with mummy and daddy. lea's really really good. the songs were only so-so but the costumes and set were really beautiful!
In my own little corner in my own little chair
I can be whatever I want to be
On the wings of my fancy I can fly anywhere
and the world will open its arms to me
-in my own little corner, cinderella
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