Jun 5, 2008


joo has finally turned 18! whee! that silly girl's quite thick skinned ah. told her only me skippy and qing celebrating for her but she secretly knew the whole di bomb would turn up. haha. so this is how her celebration day went:

met joo at pp first. supposed to study but we ended up shopping! hahaha.
topshop dressing room!

met up with skippy and brought joo to ice cream chef! it was joo's and my first time there!

joo's present made with love by me!


horlicks and kaya ice cream. delicioussss!

choc and milo. yumm!

skippy showing how she has to squeeze her hp and mr pig into her small pouch from japan.

joo's skippy's mine (skippy's classy phone looks so not classy anymore haha.)

mr pig!

skippy left cos she had to go home early and she felt sick ): so i brought joo to thaipan saying i was craving for butter squid and... surprise! di bomb was there!

mich bong clara!

qing qiubx shinq!


joo and i :D

ah lianxzxz qiubxzxzx

qiubx's super-ex-9-plus-gigantic-mickey-hand handphone thingy

joo's cake! (the happy bday thingy broke so we put it in sideways haha)

joo making a wish!


us :D (missing: skippy, ting, jean, flo)

bong and clara trying to imitate my bangs!

joo, you're really the bestest friend i've ever had. you've been with me since we were 6 and that's like more than half of our lives omg! you've seen all the sides of me. the act cute one, the serious one, the talkative one, the quiet one, the sotong one, the crazy one, even the one that loses her temper ): i'm so so glad that we can be so close even till now. you've taught me so much like staying calm and simple and just enjoying life without all the craziness in it. you're a wonderful car pool mate, serangoon pal, pho-ing partner, sale hunting buddy, bestie,... you're just wonderful. i love you! friends for life dear!

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