hello everyone! HAPPY CNY! yepp. it's the 6th day of cny! whee. haha. ok so anw, i'll put up cny pics another time cos i havent been updating for so long i just have too many pics to put up! gosh.
so! i got new coolio specs! haha. my bro picked it out and my class says i look like some catwoman in it. -.-
wushu wearing my specs!


ah boon!

me with huiying's hello kitty phone!

huiying and me in my specs!

did some cny shopping with my mom but didn't really get much. haha. fun spending some time with my mummy though. that's all that really matters right :)
mummy chewing away at macs!

had our vj dibomb day again (skippy and ting absent. again.) and we shopped around for some bday presents and were super duper productive! the presents all rock! shall post pics next time :D
us :)

dad came back for cny for about a week and we went sightseeing at chinatown. haha.

cny eve! went to school though most ppl ponned. haha. went specially to support huiying! whee!
desmond philip hoho moosey ling nono mel!

lion dance!

winning banner which was hung at the same spot our 07S32 winning banner was hung last yr!

mrs lim's bday was on the 8th so we combined celebration with 07S35! here's her cake!

mrs lim with her son!

me mrslim and her cute son :)

jieying boon yanling and i watching dance performance!

nono and meeee :)


nono me moosey ling desmond with choc marshmallows!

me and joo :D

me and huiying! go wushu!

07S32 whee!

go huiying!

ling playing a game at olivia's class stall!

after the celebration and mass dancing, those of us who went to sch left for paragon's din tai fung for our "reunion lunch"!
ppg :)

guin and me!

mong and me!

rayrin and me!

xianyong and me!

ian and me!

fredfrog and me!

me and ling!


me and nono!

moosey and me!

me and wayne!

yusheng with extra pok pok!

us :D

Every single day that I can breathe, you changed my philosophy
I'm never gonna let you pass me by
So don't say your goodbyes you know its better that way
We won't break, we won't die
It's just a moment of change
-all we are, one republic
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