my dad left for maldives two days ago. won't see him till chinese new year then after that probably till christmas unless we're visiting him during june hols ): he sold his car cos having two cars and only one person who drives is kinda dumb. haha
bro in the car

mummy in the car

so we went to the airport to send him off...

my uncle, aunt and cousin came along too

it's only been two days but i kinda miss my dad already. i do hope everything will be fine at home and i guess i gotta do my part to keep my family safe and happy too (:
first few days of school were quite fun. finally spent more time with my class and i realised i really really miss them (:
yy, huying and me!

we had junior meet senior class session and as always, we infiltrated the junior class to give them a scare. we had jason tan aka jing cheng, the guy who just sleeps through everything, chiu lian aka shanti, the qian bian ahlian, chanel aka janelle, the super enthu know-it-all and silver lee (me!), the girl with the heart condition. so we wore sec sch uniforms and sat in class, making friends with our juniors, acting out our parts. when we did our s32 tradition, which is flapping our hands and jumping across the level, i was supposed to have a relapse. so i just started breathing heavily and collapsed against the railing. kept coughing and coughing. even had fake medicine haha. ohwell at the end of it we just revealed and stuff. fun time!
me and guin in sn uniform!

went for mass dance at suntec yesterday with choir ppl. i'm glad i decided to go cos it was so much fun! it was raining quite heavily but that made everything more fun i think haha. met huiying halfway and she pulled me into the human train around the fountain and we started pulling the rest of the s32 ppl and started doing our class chiku cheer! haha.
me and fawn fawn!

huiying, shanti, fawn and me (:

now with kelly! 07S32! wheeeee.

us at the fountain of wealth!

went for supper at glutton's bay after that. satay and sting ray! yumyum.
looking forward to tmr's sea regatta! crashing with my class haha. hope our tutors wont get too mad. haha.
this isn't how i used to be
but somehow along the way i lost myself
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself.
Each day has enough trouble of its own."
Matthew 6:33-34
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